Home » Former Air Force Major General Loses Star Over Sexting Scandal

Former Air Force Major General Loses Star Over Sexting Scandal

Turns out, when you mix rank, reckless texting, and a total disregard for military decorum, you don’t just lose a star—you lose your dignity, too. #MilitaryScandal #USAF #LeadershipFail #AccountabilityMatters #EthicsInUniform #AirForceNews #MilitaryJustice

According to Military Times, retired U.S. Air Force, Maj. Gen. Christopher Finerty, who previously served as the Director of Legislative Liaison for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, has been demoted following revelations of multiple inappropriate relationships, including with enlisted personnel and congressional staffers. The Inspector General’s (IG) report, released in September 2023, details a pattern of behavior that violated military codes and compromised the integrity of the Air Force’s interactions with Congress.

SOFREPhassourcedthepartiallyredactedIGreport.Highlightsarebytheauthor.TheIG’sFindings TheInspectorGeneral(IG)investigationintoMajorGeneralChristopherFinertyuncoveredmultipleseriousviolationsofmilitaryconductandethics.ConcludedinSeptember2023,thereportdetailedapatternofinappropriatebehaviorthatul