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Yet Another General Officer Fired for Inappropriate Behavior

Yet another star tumbles from the sky as Brig. Gen. Erik Quigley joins the growing ranks of high-ranking officers getting the boot, proving once again that the Air Force isn’t afraid to clean house when leadership crosses the line. #MilitaryLeadership #AirForceNews #EthicsInCommand #SOFREP #DefenseUpdates #AccountabilityMatters #BomberCommand #MilitaryJustice

Our latest star in the spotlight is Air Force Brigadier General Erik Quigley. Quigley has been relieved of his duties following an internal investigation that uncovered inappropriate personal relationships. This development (once again) underscores the Air Force’s commitment to maintaining ethical standards across all ranks.

TheAnnouncement Asreportedinmilitary.com,onJanuary28,2025,GeneralDukeZ.Richardson,CommanderoftheAirForceMaterielCommand(AFMC),announcedtheremovalofBrig.Gen.QuigleyfromhispositionasDirectorandProgramExecutiveOfficeroftheBombersDirectorateattheAirForceLifeCycleManagementCenter,locatedatWright-PattersonAirForceBaseinOhio.Thedecisionwasmade“duetoalossofconfidenceinhisabilitytolead,followinga