We Went to War, Came Home, and Achieved the American Dream. Billionaires Are Stealing It
When I left the military, like so many veterans before me, I believed in the promise of America. I had served my country, was deployed in support of two wars, and was ready to build a future — one that included a stable job, a home, and the security that comes with hard work and sacrifice. This was the American Dream, and for generations, veterans have played a key role in making it a reality.
From the Obama administration to even Trump’s first term and through Biden, the United States consistently strengthened support for its veterans, ensuring they had the tools not just to succeed but to thrive. I was able to use the G.I. Bill to attend college and later had the opportunity to shape policy at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, helping other veterans succeed. The system was working. Veteran suicide were declining and veteran homless rates reached an all-time low. But that is now over.