Home » 7 More Sex Assault Claims Filed Against Coast Guard Academy

7 More Sex Assault Claims Filed Against Coast Guard Academy

Attorneys representing former U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets filed seven more sexual assault complaints against the Coast Guard, bringing to 29 the number of such complaints they’ve filed under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Attorneys representing former U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets filed seven more sexual assault complaints against the Coast Guard on Thursday, bringing to 29 the number of such complaints they’ve filed under the Federal Tort Claims Act.
The latest complaints were filed on behalf of women who allege they were sexually assaulted while they were cadets at the academy in New London or, in one case, while attending the Naval Academy Preparatory School, or NAPS, in Newport, R.I.

ThatcadethadbeenacceptedtotheCoastGuardAcademyprovidedshefirstattendNAPS,accordingtocourtdocuments. SanfordHeislerSharpMcKnight,thenationallawfirmrepresentingtheformercadets,providedredactedcopiesoftheircomplaints.Accordingtothefirm,severalofthecadetsweresexuallyassaultedintheirdormroomsbyclassmateswhoenteredwiththehelpofanacademypolicythatprohibitedcadetsfromlockingtheirdoors. Onecadetwokeupons